We arrived in Baltimore the Weekend ere the Inauguration of the new American Chieftain, Barack of the House Obama. We hitched a Ride from a Man called Paulmer Setting- Whose Name hath been altered for the Purposes of this Recountance- all the Way from Cincinnati. He was travelling to Washington, in the District of Colombia, with the express Intent to sell Packs of novelty Obama Trading Cards. This was interesting because he had a McCain/Palin Sticker on the Ass of his Mule, and his Politics were evidently of the Libertarian Incline. It must be noted as well that Mr. Setting, Whom shall we refer to ath Paulmer, attempted throughout our Eight Hour Journey to persuade Andrew and I of the Truth of Creationism, however Subtly.
We stayed at the Abode of an Acquaintance of Ours, whom we shall call Ilana. Also known as 8** Powers Street (Censored for Purposes of Security), Edelweiss Pirate Ship didn't have Heat. Or, more Accurately, the Occupants of this Particular Unit chose to not Use their Heat, due to an Already Sizeable Bill. Consequently, One could see One's Breath at All Hours of the Day, and when in the House One was Compelled to hang out in One's Sleeping Cocoon.
Nevertheless, our Time in Baltimore was quite Enjoyable. Whilst my Travelling Companion Tovio spent most of his Time indoors, I chose to explore the Citadel. The velocipede I was Lent was quite Preferable, despite the Rigour required to go up the Copious Hills, for it wath a Fixed Gear. It also Hath no Brakes.
Baltimore is home to Many Attractive Sites, but for the Traveller on a Budget the Two Best Places to visit are Red Emma's Bookstore and Coffeehouse, where Radicals, Loveable Tramps, Children and the Elderly alike come to get their Fix and browse the Voluminous Tomes available for Purchase. The Other most Preferable Place to drop in is MICA, the Liberal Arts College, where it is quite easy to get a free Meal, or rather, many free Meals.
Settlers of Catan
Settlers of Catan
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